A research study on new marketing opportunities for Eosta, nature & more
B.A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider); Constantijn H.A. Driessen (Student)
From farmer to wholesaler
Tim Klarenbosch, van; Ton Borchert (Begeleider)
Thesis Rabobank North America
Ruud Kuijpers
Performance Management for Ahold European Sourcing
Nina Meiling; Gerrit-Jan Lanting (Begeleider)
The Utrecht based service : Location-based services for retailers in Utrecht.
Esther Kool (Student); Matthijs Rotte (Begeleider); Peter de Groot (Begeleider); Kees Winkel (Begeleider)
Assessing integrated pest management as a quality and food safety management strategy in the vegetable sector : a case of Masvingo district, Zimbabwe
Mujati, S. (Student); Campbell, T.B.
Access constraints by women farmers to Multiflower extension services : the case of Mvomero district, Tanzania
Mhango, S.S. (Student); Gildemacher, B.; Westerndorp, A.
Focussing innovation strategy for sustainability with the chemical industry as example
John J. Hageman; Jan Venselaar (Lector)