Forum theatre as participatory action research with community workers
de Kreek, Mike; Bos, Eltje (Kenniscentrum Maatschappij En Recht); von Salisch, Margareta; Huss, Ephrat; Bos, Eltje
The attack and defense on aircraft trajectory prediction algorithms
van Iersel, Quincy G.; Murrieta-Mendoza, Alejandro; Patrón, Roberto S.Félix; Hashemi, Seyed M.; Botez, Ruxandra Mihaela
International Forum
Bakker, Diederich
AMBIS 2.0: panel 3 Forum 1 Executing Facilities Management Strategies in Compliance to Standard Operating Procedure
Mobach, Mark P.; Ali, Hishamuddin Mohd; Salleh, Abu Bakar bin Mohamed
International Forum on Integrated Infrastructure Development
Boogaard, Floris; Hadimoeljono, Mochamad Basoeki; Karlinasari, Rinda; Yaacob, Haryati; Ahmad, Kamarudin
Kunst in de zorg
de Wit, Krista
Vitality in the neighborhood (VIEW)
van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Wichers, Fenna
Impressions, messages and recommendations
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Zgaga, Pavel; Eisenschmidt, Eve
New Energy Forum 24-06-2021
van Dam, Karin I.M.
online New Energy Forum Hydrohub HCA
Aué, Jan-jaap