Working together with companies, students and researchers to innovate for improving health care
Degens, Nick
What would McLuhan say about the smartphone?
Isabelle Adam (Student)
How to design for diversity in Smart Cities?
P. van Waart (Lid Lectoraat); E. Visser (Lid Lectoraat); Maaike Harbers (Lector)
Construction site chaos
Boer, J. (Johannes) de (Researcher)
Creating the Difference
J.P. (Jos) van Leeuwen (Lid Lectoraat); P.J. (Pieter Jan) Stappers; M. (Maarten) Lamers; M. (Maarten) Thissen
Op zoek naar eenvoud
Lara Wessels (Student); Constanze Thomassen (Begeleider)
Knowledge management's role in the management of sustainable innovation
Faber, N.R.; Maruster, L.; Peters, K.; van Haren, R.J.F.
Friend or fiend: prototyping for social cohesion
G. de Haan; I.J. Mulder; J.H. Marseille
Cognition is not what it used to be
Jelle van Dijk
Bright Lights, Blind Spots. Writings on human digital media interaction.
Dr. H.M.M. (Harry) van Vliet (Lector)