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Analysis of Supply Chain Studies
Woody Maijers (Lector); Vijayender Reddy Nalla (Associate Lector)
Implementation of ICT for education (Classworks)program in Kenya
Joyce K. Jepkorir; Menno de Lind van Wijngaarde (Begeleider)
Effectiveness of Rural Advisory Services (RAS) on improving household food security: a case study on maize production of rural small scale farmers in Kodera village, Rachuonyo District- Kenya
Mbori, S.O. (Student); Put, M.
Factors for low sorghum production: a case study of small-scale farmers in East Kano sub location, Nyando District, Kenya
Omoro, W. (Student); Put, M.
Healthcare among migrant female sex workers : a case study in Eastleigh and Majengo slums, Nairobi County, Kenya
Ngicho, M.A.A. (Student); Kingma, K.
Als ik later groot ben
Barry Waal, de (Begeleider); Carla Dulmen, van (Student); Hanneke Kallen, van der; Jeroen Beentjes (Begeleider)
The adoption of mushroom farming among smallholder farmers: a case of women mushroom farmers in Makuyu, Kenya
Kimole, S. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Strategies to improve firm- farmer relationship in dairy value chains : an assessment study in Borabu and Kiambu Districts, Kenya
Ong’aro, D.S. (Student); Verschuur, M.
Cash transfer for older persons : mitigating the effects of HIV/AIDS among the elderly in Thika District, Kenya
Mwaura, A.T. (Student); Moor, I. de
Zelfvoorziening?! : wat betekent dat? : onderzoek naar de ruimtelijke impact van zelfvoorziening op een sportcampus in Kenia
Simons, C. (Student); Gerritzen, L. (Student); Vlug, J.; Noortman, A.; Reesink, T.; Verhoeven, W.; Mull, B. ter; Smolenaers, H.