Conclusion: Insights from Theory and Practice
Tim Sweijs; F.P.B. Osinga
Dynamic resource and task management
M. Klinik; J.M. Jansen; F. Bolderheij
Helping migrants while protecting against migration
J.P. Kalkman; M.T.I.B. Bollen; E. de Waard
Coastal border control using magnetic field signatures
A.F. Vermeulen
Vulnerability of harbours and near-shore infrastructure to underwater explosions
L. Koene; A.J.M. Schmets
Legal challenges surrounding maritime operations in the Mediterranean Sea
F.J. Marchal; J.E.D. Voetelink
Maximal covering location games
L. Schlicher
Flexibility in Border Security
M.T.I.B. Bollen; E.J. de Waard; J.P. Kalkman
Data analysis within the Netherlands coastguard
J.P.H. Kalden
Optimizing asset deployment an maritime law enforcement
E.R. van Veldhoven; H.J. Fitski