Quality and satisfaction of thermal comfort in Dutch offices
Brink, Henk Willem
Quality and satisfaction of thermal comfort in Dutch offices
Brink, Henk Willem; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Balslev Nielsen, S.; Jensen, P.A.
Case management for child protection services
Busschers, Inge; van Vugt, E.S. (Eveline); Stams, G.J.J.M. (Geert Jan)
A commercial dive into the Venezuelan maritime market
Alessandro Angelone (Student)
SME purchasing activity patterns delphi study
Vegter, Geert
Healing Offices
Stijnenbosch, Martin
Predictors of study success from a teacher’s perspective of the quality of the built environment
Kok, Herman; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Omta, Onno
Comfort index professionele kantoorgebouwen
Brink, Henk Willem; Joosstens, Frans
Reasons why members of the redeemed christian church of God-Jesus house Amsterdam are leaving the church
Huib Zegwaart (Begeleider); Michael Akinola (Student); Hans Snoek (Begeleider)