Green Schoolyards as Outdoor Learning Environments
Janke van Dijk-Wesselius (Onderzoeker); Agnes E. van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Jolanda Maas (Onderzoeker); Dieuwke Hovinga (Lector)
Let’s get physical
Rasch, Miriam
From research to education
de Wit, Krista
When Methods meet Motives. Social Work Researchers at Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences on Motives for Practice-based Research
Martine Ganzevles (Onderzoeker)
Musicians in healthcare
Smilde, Rineke; van Munster, Rene
Bridging demands on education, innovation and practice-based research; The case of Dutch vocational and professional education
Loek Nieuwenhuis; Aimée Hoeve; Wietske Kuijer; A. Peeters
Practice-based Research Impact Model for Evaluation: PRIME
Kees Greven (Onderzoeker); Daan Andriessen (Lector)
Early detection of extremism? The local security professional on assessment of potential threats posed by youth
Annemarie van de Weert (Lid Lectoraat); Quirine Eijkman (Lector)
From practical issue to research question
Berg, N. van den (Lector); Teurlings, C.
Researching the experiential value of interactive media exhibits
Schrandt, Bernadette; Münzberg, Bettina; Konietzko, Sebastian; Goudis, Julia