The 3-Month Effectiveness of a Stratified Blended Physiotherapy Intervention in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Martijn F. Pisters (Lector); Corelien JJ Kloek; Remco M. Arensman; Raymond WJG Ostelo; Cindy Veenhof
Sex-specific influence of communal breeding experience on parenting performance and fitness in a burying beetle
Ma, L.; Versteegh, M.A.; Hammers, M.; Komdeur, J.
Design of wind and solar energy supply, to match energy demand
S. (Sander) Mertens (Lector)
K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector); Rolien Blanken (Onderzoeker)
Dutch Small Business Index Year Report 2021: Repeated Lockdowns Deplete Firm and Private Financial Resources
Lex van Teeffelen (Lector); Ester Renssen
The 3-Month Effectiveness of a Stratified Blended Physiotherapy Intervention in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Martijn Pisters (Lector); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Remco M. Arensman (Onderzoeker); Raymond Ostelo (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers, Facilitators, and Needs
Inge Klatte (Onderzoeker); Vera van Heugten (Onderzoeker); Rob Zwitserlood (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
WHO-ISG collaboration on assistive technologies for healthy ageing-in-place: A round table discussion
E. Aspnes (Onderzoeker); J. Bergschold (Onderzoeker); N. Charness (Onderzoeker); M.L. Fang (Onderzoeker); G. Gutman (Onderzoeker); Y. Hsu (Onderzoeker); W. Kearns (Onderzoeker); H.S.M. Kort (Lector); T.M. Raymundo (Onderzoeker); H. Nap (Onderzoeker); D. Zandi (Onderzoeker); W. Zhang (Onderzoeker)
A systematic approach to quantify the influence of indoor environmental parameters on students' perceptions, responses, and short-term academic performance
Henk W. Brink (Onderzoeker); Marcel G.L.C. Loomans (Onderzoeker); Mark P. Mobach (Onderzoeker); Helianthe S.M. Kort (Lector)
Roadmap Blend
Mirjam Winkelmolen (Stafmedewerker); Elfi Scheffers (Docent); Sjoerd van Gurp (Docent); Edgar van Noort (Docent); Yvette van den Bersselaar (Docent); Marjolein Schlossels-Verbeek (Stafmedewerker); Huub Kamp (Stafmedewerker)