Talentontwikkeling in het onderwijs: Week van de Wetenschap
de Vries, Wietske
SaveWise: The impact of a real-life financial education program for ninth grade students in the Netherlands
Amagir, Aisa (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); van den Brink, Henriëtte Maassen; Groot, Wim; Wilschut, Arie
Opening the door of opportunities: how higher vocational education contributes to capabilities and valuable employment of refugees
D.A. van Dijk; J. ten Have; M. Kotiso
Effects of an SEL program in a diverse population of low achieving secondary education students
Marion van de Sande (Onderzoeker); Minne Fekkes (Onderzoeker); R.F.W. (René) Diekstra (Onderzoeker); Carolien Gravesteijn (Lector); Ria Reis (Onderzoeker); Paul Kocken (Onderzoeker)
Monitor Teaching and Learning with ICT - results 2022
Bas Kurver; Carolien van Rens; Marloes Timmermans; Frank Willems; Marijke Kral; Kyra de Korte
What moves us? Fostering the capability for lifelong physical activity by developing agency in students in secondary pre-vocational education schools in the Netherlands
Gwendolijn Boonekamp
Fostering subject teachers' integrated language teaching in technical vocational education
Elly Wildeman (Onderzoeker); Maaike Koopman (Onderzoeker); Douwe Beijaard (Onderzoeker)
Unravelling workplace educators’ judgment processes when assessing students’ performance at the workplace
Marlies de Vos (Onderzoeker); Liesbeth Baartman (Lector); Cees van der Vleuten (Onderzoeker); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Leading collaborative innovation in schools
Angela de Jong (Phd)