Empowerment in complex dynamische systemen
Collignon, Debby; Ex, Carine (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Feasibility of a stratified blended physiotherapy intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods study
van Tilburg, Mark L.; Kloek, Corelien J.J.; Staal, J. Bart; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Veenhof, Cindy
Analysis of security lines policies for improving capacity in airports
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Scala, Paolo; Murrieta-Mendoza, Alejandro; Orozco, Angel; Di Bernardi, Alejandro
The implementation of a professional practice model to improve the nurse work environment in a Dutch hospital
Bloemhof, Janet; Knol, Jeannette; Van Rijn, Marjon (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Buurman, Bianca M.
From ‘us and them’ to ‘me and you’: fostering inclusion in daily care practice in terms of equal partnership
M. Cardol; M. Hermsen; I. van Asselt-Goverts; S.R. Hilberink
Notitie Krachtige wijken
Ketelaar, N.A.B.M. (Nicole) (Researcher); Lintsen , C. (Christina); Eijkelkamp, W. (Wencke) (Staffmember); Moeke , D. (Dennis) (Lector); Bes, J. (Jannette) de (Staffmember); Gramberg, P. (Peter) (Researcher)
Remote Labs and their Didactics in Engineering Education: a Case Study
de Vries, Eti; Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Designing a capsule collection for men and women for everyday life
Lilgová, H (Henrieta) (Student)
The importance of a shared ambition for future water management in 's-Hertogenbosch
Ruben Aaftink (Student); Sarah de Bakker (Docent); Martin Bakker (Begeleider)
ROS-Based Self-Teaching Robot-Arm
Valentine Ezekiev (Student)