Educating the Physician Assistant, questions to be answered.
Dr. H.S.M. Kort (Lector); Th.J. ten Cate; G. Spenkelink-Schut (Lid Lectoraat)
Applying the concept of entrustable professional activities to link CanMEDS competencies with the workplace: a pilot study of physician assistant workforce in urology
G. Spenkelink-Schut (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. H.S.M. Kort (Lector); Th.J. ten Cate
The role of artifacts as scaffolds in competency-based, ICT-supported learning environments. A design-oriented, explorative case study in higher education
I. Zitter (Lid Lectoraat); T.J. van Weert (Lector); Th.J. ten Cate; P.R.J. Simons
Integraal Ontwerpen, een nieuwe verleiding voor techniek
T.M.E. Zaal (Lector)