Teachers' individual action theories about competence-based education: the value of the cognitive apprenticeship model
Prof. Dr. Paul A. Kirschner; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent); Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell
Competentiegerichtheid en scheikunde leren: over metacognitieve opvattingen, leerresultaten en leeractiviteiten
Dr. Rutger A.W. van de Sande (Lector)
The European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organisation
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); E.L.M. van Driesum-Cantarelli (Begeleider); Myrthe van Groningen (Student)
Creating a Catalyst for the Development of Knowledge Work Competence
Daan Andriessen (Lector); Linda Johnson
Trendsetting Learning Biographies: Concepts of Navigating through Late Modern Life and Learning.
Prof. Dr. Manuela Du Bois-Reymond; Dr. Isabelle Diepstraten; Dr. Henk Vinken