Strengthening Connectedness in Close Relationships
Jaap van der Meiden (Lid Lectoraat); Kees Verduijn (Onderzoeker); Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Hans van Ewijk
Social work students learning to use their experiential knowledge of recovery : an existential and emancipatory perspective
Alie Weerman (Lector); Tineke Abma
Seven years of plenty? Learning at, with, through, from and for the FabLab at Hogeschool Rotterdam
Peter Troxler (Lector); Manon Mostert-van der Sar (Onderzoeker)
Using agent-based simulations to address value tensions in design
M. Harbers (Lector)
Real-time Location Systems for Asset Management in Nursing Homes
Joost van Hoof; Joey Verboor; C.E. Oude Weernink; Anne-mie Sponselee; Janienke Sturm; Jan K. Kazak; G.M.J. Govers; Yvonne van Zaalen
Ethics by Design: necessity or curse?
Virginia Dignum (Onderzoeker); Matteo Baldoni (Onderzoeker); Cristina Baroglio; Maurizio Caon; Raja Chatila; Louise Dennis; Gonzalo Génova; Malte Kließ; Maite Lopez-Sanchez; Roberto Micalizio; Juan Pavón; Marija Slavkovik; Matthijs Smakman (Lid Lectoraat); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector); Stefano Tedeschi; Leon van der Torre; Serena Villata; Tristan de Wildt; Galit Haim
Exploring the ethical landscape of robot-assisted search and rescue
Maaike Harbers (Lector); Joachim de Greeff; Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová; Mark A. Neerincx; Koen V. Hindriks
The riddle of the real city
Nijenhuis, Wim
Ethical stewardship
Sandovar, Alyea; Braad, Eelco; Söbke, Heinrich; Streicher, Alexander; Dörner, Ralf; Göbel, Stefan; Kickmeier-Rust, Michael; Masuch, Maic; Zweig, Katharina
Ethical concerns and dilemmas of Finnish and Dutch health professionals
Ilsa Lottes; Hanna Hopia; Mariël Kanne (Lid Lectoraat)