The EU climate change mitigation policies
Kviatek, Beata
Decarbonizing the international shipping industry
Wan, Zheng; el Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero); Chen, Yang; Tang, Jiayuan
klimaattop noord 2017
Heijne, Leo
Future of cluster developments
Manickam, Anu (International Business); Lloyd, Bruce; de Graaf, Frank Jan
Effectiveness energy subsidies on office transformations
Tubbergh, AL (Amber) van (Student)
Deliverable D 1.1: Whitebook requirements
Farias, Ana Rita; Thorsdottir, Halldora
Beleidsvisie over het gemeentelijke beleid op het gebied van afvalwater, grondwater en hemelwater, Werkendam
Boogaard, Floris
European Renewable Energy: Applying circular economy thinking to policy-making
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
International Climate Negotiation Factors
van der gaast, Wytze (Legal Aspects Of The Energy Transition)
Governance on the Richter Magnitude Scale: PPP as a sustainable panacea for the future?
Schuldink, Dennis; Winter, Heinrich