Sustainability of biogas production from biomass waste streams
van Someren, Christian
International ring trial of the epidermal equivalent sensitizer potency assay
Marc Teunis (Lid Lectoraat)
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict)
TTIP: EU GMO policy alignment?
Paul Shotton (Begeleider); Isabella Stojkovski (Student)
The Foreign Agents Law in Russia
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Eva M.C. van Beek (Student)
What is the effect of Nordic walking, as an exercise modality, for improving exercise capacity in chronic disease patients?
Kristoffer Forsberg Olsen (Student); René van Saan (Begeleider)
Design of the SHAPE-2 study: the effect of physical activity, in addition to weight loss, on biomarkers of postmenopausal breast cancer risk
Willemijn A.M. van Gemert; Tim Takken; Anne M. May; Harriët Wittink (Lector); Albertine J. Schuit; Job van der Palen; Petra H.M. Peeters; Evelyn M. Monninkhof; Wouter B. Veldhuis; Jolijn I. Iestra
Analytical solution of the energy management for fuel cell hybrid propulsion systems
P.P.J. van den Bosch; Edwin Tazelaar; Bram Veenhuizen
Sizing stack and battery of a fuel cell hybrid distribution truck
Bram Veenhuizen; P.P.J. van den Bosch; T. Hofman; Edwin Tazelaar; Y. Shen