Zocht je misschien: facilitators, facilitated?
The influence of individual and organisational factors on nurses’ behaviour to use lifting devices in healthcare
M. Buljac-Samardzic; H.S. Miedema (Lector); E. Koppelaar (Docent); J.J. Knibbe
Patients' and professionals' barriers and facilitators to external cephalic version for breech presentation at term, a qualitative analysis in the Netherlands
A.N. Rosman; F. Vlemmix; M.A.H. Fleuren; M.E.B. Rijnders; A. Beuckens; B.C. Opmeer; B.W.J. Mol; M.C.B. van Zwieten; M. Kok
The Municipality of The Hague and the Rule of Law promotion
Anouk A. Boom (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
Faciliterende en belemmerende factoren voor fysieke activiteit bij kinderen met Spina Bifida
Kayleigh Kef
The Best Practice Unit: a model for learning, research and development
Jean Pierre Wilken (Lector); Sascha van Gijzel; Carla van Slagmaat
At the Heart of Art and Earth
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability)
Realising participation within an action research project on two care innovation units providing care for older people
Miranda Snoeren (Lid Lectoraat); Donna Frost (Lid Lectoraat)
Roadmap duurzaam vlees
Zitzen, M. (Docent); Bakker, R.R.C. (Lector)