Luister, luister, luister.
van Beilen, Corinne (Kunsteducatie); Hummel, Rhea (Kunsteducatie); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Kunsteducatie)
Onderzoeksrapportage Kids First
Bronkhorst, Arnold; de Greeff, Marck J. W.; Hofenk, Harold (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Jacobs, Frank; Luderus, Anne; Schipper van Veldhoven, Nicolette
Problematic Use of Nitrous Oxide by Young Moroccan–Dutch Adults
Nabben, Ton (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Weijs, Jelmer; van Amsterdam, Jan
Education and training of nurses in the use of advanced medical technologies in home care related to patient safety: A cross-sectional survey
ten Haken, Ingrid; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); van Harten, Wim H.
The associations between late effects of cancer treatment, work ability and job resources: a systematic review
Boelhouwer, Ingrid G.; Vermeer, Willemijn; van Vuuren, Tinka
Ik vertel, jij vertelt, wij vertellen
Slangen, Tekla
Not ‘culture’ as Hofstede assumed, but ‘context’ is the software of the mind
Nguyen-Phuong-Mai, Mai
Edubook Culture and Intercultural Communication
Trompenaars, Fons; Schreuders, Riana
Er was eens…een groep verhalenvertellers
Slangen, Tekla
Healthcare practices and interventions in Europe towards families of older patients with cardiovascular disease
Mahrer-Imhof, Romy; Ostergaard, Birte; Brodsgaard, Anne; Konradsen, Hanne; Kolbrun-Svavarsdottir, Erla; Dieperink, Karin; Imhof, Lorenz; García-Vivar, Cristina; Luttik, Marie Louise (Familiezorg)