Key components in ehealth interventions combining self-tracking and persuasive ecoaching to promote a healthier lifestyle
Lentferink, Aniek; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand (Digital Health); de Groot, Martijn; Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation); Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette
Stand up and move forward
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Shokoohi, Roya
Framework for product reformulation
Velde, F. van de (Lid Lectoraat); Roodenburg, A.J.C. (Lector); Gunst, A. van (Lid Lectoraat)
Is our youth cycling to health?: Results from the Dutch 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
D.F. Ettema; Peter Barendse; Mark S. Tremblay; H.W. Smits; Tim Takken; G.C.W. Wendel-Vos; N.H.M.J. Schipper-van Veldhoven; D.H.H. van Kann; J. Lucassen; Karlijn Knitel; C. Veenhof (Lid Lectoraat); R. van den Dool; J. van der Net; T. Altenburg; E.M. Monninkhof; J. Faber; Janke F. Groot; Marcella Burghard; S. de Vries; M. Beijersbergen; H.C.G. Kemper; Iris van Oost
The structure of wheat bread influences the postprandial metabolic response in healthy men
Eelderink, Coby; Noort, Martijn W.J.; Sozer, Nesli; Koehorst, Martijn; Holst, Jens J.; Deacon, Carolyn F.; Rehfeld, Jens F.; Poutanen, Kaisa; Vonk, Roel J.; Oudhuis, Lizette; Priebe, Marion G.
Circular Business Models
Jan Kenter (Begeleider); Maurice van den Oever (Student); Sander Brinkman (Begeleider)
Sensortechnologie en duurzame inzetbaarheid
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand
Symposium Healthy Lifestyle of Intellectually Disabled
Mobach, Mark P.
Effects of use of an eHealth platform e-Vita for COPD patients on disease specific quality of life domains
Esther P.W.A. Talboom-Kamp; Marije Holstege (Lector); Niels H. Chavannes; Marise J. Kasteleyn
Modelling of usual nutrient intakes
Roodenburg, A.J.C.; Seidell, J.C.; Voet, H. van der; Ballegooijen, A.J. van; Dötsch-Klerk, M.