Understanding the urgency and complexities of the energy transition trough serious gaming
Ouariachi Peralta, Tania (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Orngreen, Rikke; Buhl, Mie; Meyer, Bente
Design of the Tidal Power Plant between the North Sea and a tidal basin
Georges Dykmans (Student); Huub Lavooij (Begeleider); Joachim de Keijzer (Begeleider)
Ouariachi, Tania (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); Elving, Wim J.L. (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)
Innovative lignocellulosic cropping systems in Europe: combining knowledge from several EU-projects.
van Haren, R.J.F.
EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy
Aué, Jan-jaap
Factors affecting employee performance
Eli Ayawo Atatsi; Jol Stoffers (Lector); Ad J. Kil
Competitiveness of Schiphol Airport as European HUB in the Cut Flower Supply-chain
El Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero); Wellens, Ann; Wellens, Ann G.; Zúñiga Alcaraz, Catya A.
Transcending Responsibility. Developing a new interdisciplinary educational program
van den Hooff, Susanne
Innovative approaches in monitoring rapidly changing environments in different socio-economic contexts around the globe
Boogaard, Floris; de Lima, Rui; De Graaf-Van Dinther, Rutger; Setyorini, Daru
Panarchy in the anthropocene
van Haren, R.J.F.; Starmann, Irmgard; Verheijden, Bob