Zocht je misschien: measurement?
Effectiveness of rehabilitation for working-age patients after a total hip arthroplasty
Wijnen, Annet; Heber, Gesine; Dietz, Günter; Dijkstra, Baukje; Dekker, Johan S.; Vermeulen, Karin M.; Slager, Geranda; Hessel, Aike; Lazovic, Djordje; Bulstra, Sjoerd K.; Stevens, Martin
A Testbench Driven FR2 EMF Sensor Development and Validation
Stephan Littel (Lid Lectoraat); Erdal Korkmaz (Lid Lectoraat); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector); Marco Spirito (Onderzoeker)
A Low-cost EMF Field Sensor for 5G EMF Exposure Measurements
Erdal Korkmaz (Lid Lectoraat); Stephan Littel (Lid Lectoraat); Marco Spirito (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
Effects of major urban redesign on sedentary behavior, physical activity, active transport and health-related quality of life in adults
Nicole Stappers; Marleen Bekker; Maria Jansen; Stef Kremers; Nanne de Vries; Jasper Schipperijn; Dave Van Kann
Optimization of protocols using neuromuscular electrical stimulation for paralyzed lower-limb muscles to increase energy expenditure in people with spinal cord injury
Ma, Yiming; de Groot, Sonja; Vink, Ad; Harmsen, Wouter; Smit, Christof A J; Stolwijk-Swuste, Janneke M; Weijs, Peter J M (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Janssen, Thomas W J
Concurrent validation of the Xsens IMU system of lower-body kinematics in jump-landing and change-of-direction tasks
Nijmeijer, Eline M.; Heuvelmans, Pieter; Bolt, Ruben; Gokeler, Alli (Faculteit Gezondheid); Otten, Egbert; Benjaminse, Anne
Remote Home Monitoring of Continuous Vital Sign Measurements by Wearables in Patients Discharged After Colorectal Surgery : Observational Feasibility Study
Jobbe PL. Leenen; Vera Ardesch; Gijsbert Patijn
Age-dependent relationships between children’s motor competence, physical activity, perceived motor competence, physical fitness and weight status
den Uil, Anne R. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Janssen, Mirka (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School); Busch, Vincent; Kat, Ilse T. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Scholte, Ron H.J.
Comparison of Low-Cost 5G Electromagnetic Field Sensors
Kenneth Deprez (Onderzoeker); Loek Colussi (Onderzoeker); Erdal Korkmaz (Lid Lectoraat); Sam Aerts (Lid Lectoraat); Derek Land (Lid Lectoraat); Stephan Littel (Lid Lectoraat); Leen Verloock (Onderzoeker); David Plets (Onderzoeker); Wout Joseph (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
Perception of vibration
Jan-Willem Prinsen (Student); Yvonne Vonk (Docent); Jacqueline Coppée (Begeleider)