Three-Questions-Method for Coping with the Emotional Burden of Nurses and Nursing Students during COVID-19
Cindy de Bot; Annemarie de Vos
Mental health and dropout of nursing students
E.J.M. Bakker
Improving the interpersonal relationship between a Dutch University of Applied Sciences and international students
Koziol, K. (Student); Meijer, L.
How does engaging in authentic research at undergraduate level contribute to student well-being?
Helen Walkington (Onderzoeker); Belinda Ommering (Onderzoeker)
Hulpbronnen, ondersteuning en voorzieningen
Korevaar, E.L.; Hiddink, Franca; Korevaar, Lies; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Interdisciplinaire samenwerking: de T-shaped professional
Korevaar, E.L.; Korevaar, Lies; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Met onderlinge steun studeren: de bondgenotengroep
Korevaar, E.L.; van Asdonck, Hanny; van Meijeren, Laura; Korevaar, Lies; Hofstra, Jacomijn
EenzaamheidsAanpakSTudenten (EAST)
Kuiper, Jisca (Rehabilitatie); Vos, Willem (Rehabilitatie); Korevaar, E.L.; Korevaar, Lies; Hofstra, Jacomijn
How the Use of Social Marketing can Increase Student Well-being
Denise Reina; Nikos Misirlis
COMmunity PARticipation through Education (COMPARE): effectiveness of supported education for students with mental health problems, a mixed methods study – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); van der Velde, Jorien (Rehabilitation); Havinga, Petra (Rehabilitation); Korevaar, E.L.