Zocht je misschien: motivatie?
Parallel Trade : the pros and the cons within the context of the European market
Masha Boer (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Double knowledge creation: learning experiences from teachers doing their own practitioner research and experiences arising from the program for teacher practitioner research.
dr Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); dr.ir Quinta Kools (Lector)
EU versus US combat of terrorism
Priscilla de Jong (Student); Theo A. Parlevliet (Begeleider)
Factors influencing effective learning in instructional skill training for vocational instructors : learning for change : a case of Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Bhaktapur, Nepal
Neupane, S.K. (Student); Koucher, A.; Witteveen, L.
The influence of teacher perceived administration of self-regulated learning on students' motivation and information-processing
J.S. Rozendaal; A. Minnaert; M. Boekaerts