Of snoops and pirates
M.G.D. Rothman; Th.B.F.M. Brinkel
Cyber warfare
P.A.L. Ducheine; F.P.B. Osinga; J.M.L.M. Soeters
Taking Stock
S.J.H. Rietjens; J.M.L.M. Soeters; J.J.D. Heeren-Bogers
The Lisbon Treaty and the coherence of the EU's external action
Linda Michelle Troost (Student); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)
Challenges and Key Principles : how to improve development cooperation and increase aid effectiveness
Alix Reichenecker (Student); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)
"Welcome to the area of freedom, security and justice"
Tessa Canters (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
The Hungarian Fundamental Law
Brigitte Willems (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Stop de hackers in het MKB
A. Luik-Knoester (Begeleider); E.M. (Ellen) Wesselingh (Begeleider); W.M. Alsemgeest (Student)
Den Haag: van dorp tot internationale stad van vrede en recht
Rosa Groen (Lid Lectoraat)
Civic Integration in the Netherlands : a New Approach towards Citizenship
Jeanine Klaver (Lid Lectoraat); Arend Odé (Lid Lectoraat)