Measuring the intangible.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
“I feel a bit more of a conduit now”: Sign language interpreters coping and adapting during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Maartje de Meulder (Onderzoeker); Nienke Sijm (Onderzoeker)
Online supplements to Geography teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge: a systematic review
Eefje Smit (Onderzoeker); Hanneke Tuithof (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector); Tine Béneker
Social media marketing to increase sales
Kim Zwemer (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Sofia Renner (Begeleider)
Stepping into the Void
Monica den Boer
Interactive journalistic narratives: Balancing authorial, user, and technological agency
Renée van der Nat (Onderzoeker)
Casting for Change:
Joke Hermes (Lector); Linda Kopitz (Onderzoeker)
Tracing cultural citizenship online
Joke Hermes (Lector)
De juiste positionering voor Haaglanden Motorsport
Mike Jansen (Student)
How can SoftAtHome increase its social media presence on LinkedIn?
Marta K. Twardowska (Student); Agota Szabo