Organizing for conventional and unconventional warfare
Erik de Waard; Henk van den As
What ' s in it for me? A managerial perspective on the influence of the psychological contract on attitude towards change
Sjoerd van den Heuvel (Lid Lectoraat); René Schalk; Charissa Freese; Volken Timmerman
A theoretical and methodological approach to social entrepreneurship as world-making and emancipation
Nicolien Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector)
Linking bonding and bridging ownership social capital in private firms
Lorraine M. Uhlaner; Marta M. Berent-Braun; Ilse Matser (Lector); Roberto H. Flören
From flexibility human resource management to employee engagement and perceived job performance across the lifespan: A multisample study
Annet de Lange; Matthijs Bal
Lowlands sociotechnical design theory and lean production
Christis, Jac; Soepenberg, Erik; Mohr, Bernard J.; van Amelsvoort, Pierre
Network cultures and the architecture of decision
Lovink, G. (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur); Rossiter, N.; Dencik, Lina; Leistert, Oliver
Nieuwsgierig naar de wereld : opleiden en opvoeden in verbondenheid
Hanno van Keulen (Lector)
Sensortechnologie en duurzame inzetbaarheid
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand; Polstra, Louis; Velthuijsen, Hugo; de Groot, Martijn