Zocht je misschien: palliatieve?
What happens and what matters: a study on palliative and terminal care in the hospital (PalTeC-H)
E. Witkamp
Concordance between experiences of bereaved relatives, physicians, and nurses with hospital end-of-life care: everyone has their 'own truth’
F.E. Witkamp (Docent); L. van Zuylen; Y. Vergouwe; C.C.D. van der Rijt; A. van der Heide
Effect of palliative care nurse champions on the quality of dying in the hospital according to bereaved relatives: a controlled before and after study
F.E. Witkamp; L. van Zuylen; C.C.D. van der Rijt; A. van der Heide
Burden of caring
Strömberg, Anna; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care)
Dying in the hospital: what happens and what matters, according to bereaved relatives
F.E. Witkamp; L van Zuylen; G. Borsboom; C.C.D. van der Rijt; A. van der Heide
Validation of the Rotterdam MOVE2PC Questionnaire for Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Opinions on Palliative Care
L. van Zuylen; C.C.D. van der Rijt; A. van der Heide; F.E. Witkamp (Docent)
Hospital nurses' views of the signs and symptoms that herald the onset of the dying phase in oncology patients
van der Werff, G.F.; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Nieweg, Roos
Herken de mens met dementie
Anne Mei The (Lector)
Een onderzoek naar de behoefte van de cliënt en zijn of haar naasten in Hospice Noetsele op het gebied van stervensbegeleiding en rouwverwerking.
Margo ter Roller (Begeleider); Elize Been (Student); Anja Bunthof (Begeleider); Judith Besten (Student)