Zocht je misschien: psychologie?
Exploring the success of an integrated primary care partnership
Valentijn, Pim P (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc)); Vrijhoef, Hubertus J M; Ruwaard, Dirk; de Bont, Antoinette; Arends, Rosa Y; Bruijnzeels, Marc A
Tailoring professional development for teachers in primary education: The role of age and proactive personality
Beatrice van der Heijden; Tinka van Vuuren; Annet de Lange; Dorien Kooij
Tailoring professional development for teachers in primary education: the role of age and proactive personality
Tinka van Vuuren; Beatrice van der Heijden; Dorien Kooij; Annet de Lange
Triangulating measures of teacher quality in teaching students with behavioral problems
Buttner, Svenja; Pijl, S.J.; Bijstra, Jan; van den Bosch, Els
Physical features, coherence and positive outcomes of person-environment interactions
Pals, Roos; Steg, Linda; Dontje, Jos; Siero, Frans; van der Zee, Karin
A longitudinal study on working alliance in probation
Anneke Menger (Lector); Andrea Donker (Lector)
Behavioural Determinants of Dental Health Behaviour
Janneke 'Scheerman (Lid Lectoraat)
On military memoirs
Lamberta Hendrika Esmeralda Kleinreesink
New methods for assessing the fascinating nature of nature experiences
Joye, Yannick; Pals, Roos; Steg, Linda; Evans, Ben Lewis
How evaluation and need for structure affect motivation and creativity
Slijkhuis, Marjette; Rietzschel, Eric F.; van Yperen, Nico