Enhancing market opportunities for farmers in the soybean value chain through increased access to market information
Imalingat, J.J. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.
The optimal load profile for the Nieuw Statendam
Michael Spaan (Student); J. Gent (Begeleider); Bertha Ooms - de Waal (Begeleider)
Onderzoek naar en ontwikkeling van integratie Power BI rapportage voor de MI afdeling van KPN
Jan Lorié (Student); Tim Cocx (Begeleider)
The price of human rights
Isaura Cardoso (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
The influence of consociational democracy on the rise of radical right populism
Réka Koleszár (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel (Begeleider)
Eindrapport Smart Ship Management
Maneschijn, Gert; Bultje, Rene; Bruining, Joke
Augmented reality in online shopping
Twan Henrik Wanders (Student)
European elections in Dutch talk shows
Noortje Berendsen (Student)
Adviseren over de inrichting en beheer van de Enterprise architectuur modellerings repository van Stedin
Antoni Skubida (Student)
Mediating in Hierarchical workplace conflicts
Meriem Kalter (Phd)