Recommendations for Analyzing and Reporting TP 53 Gene Variants in the High‐Throughput Sequencing Era
Thierry Soussi (Onderzoeker); Bernard Leroy (Onderzoeker); Peter Taschner (Lector)
Nurses’ contribution to prevent seclusion in acute mental health care
Doedens, Paul; Maaskant, Jolanda; Callaghan, Patrick; Oud, Nico; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Nijman, Henk; Palmstierna, Tom; Almvik, Roger; Thomas, Bart
Prognosis and Course of Disability in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A 5- and 12-Month Follow-up Cohort Study
K. Verkerk (Lid Lectoraat); M.W. Heymans; I. Ronchetti; A.L. Pool-Goudzwaard; P.A.J. Luijsterburg; B.W. Koes; H.S. Miedema (Lector)
What is the effect of Nordic walking, as an exercise modality, for improving exercise capacity in chronic disease patients?
Kristoffer Forsberg Olsen (Student); René van Saan (Begeleider)
Work capacity of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Geertzen, Jan H B; Reneman, Michiel F; van der Schans, Cees
The "best balance" allocation led to optimal balance in cluster-controlled trials
E. de Hoop; S. Teerenstra; Betsie van Gaal; M Moerbeek; George Borm
Prognostic value of a decreased tongue strength for survival time in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Bert de Swart; J. Schelhaas; J. Weikamp; J.C.M. Hendriks; Alexander Geurts
Clinical recommendations for cardiopulmonary exercise testing data assessment in specific patient populations. EACPR/AHA Joint Scientific Statement
Jonathan Meyers; Daniel Forman; Carl Lavie; Ross Arena; Viviane Conraads; Dalane Kitzman; Luc Vanhees (Lector); Marco Guazzi; Gerald Fletcher; Alessandro Mezzani; Volker Adams; Martin Halle
Predictors of mid-term event-free survival in adults with corrected tetralogy of Fallot
Luc Vanhees (Lector); Werner Budts; Rosalien Buys; Pieter De Meester
EACPR/AHA scientific statement. Clinical recommendations for cardiopulmonary exercise testing data assessment in specific patient populations
Viviane Conraads; Jonathan Myers; Carl Lavie; Marco Guazzi; Daniel Forman; Alessandro Mezzani; Dalane Kitzman; Ross Arena; Martin Halle; Gerald Fletcher; Volker Adams; Luc Vanhees (Lector)