The effects of flexible working arrangements on young workers in the Netherlands
M.G.P. Peeters (Begeleider); Sabine van Veelen (Student)
Young at heart, old at work? Relations between age, (meta-)stereotypes, self-categorization, and retirement attitudes
Sabine Otten; Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden; Frank Oderkerk; Matthijs Bal; Hannes Zacher
Supporting recovery and Inclusion. Working with the CARe Model
Dirk den Hollander; Jean Pierre Wilken (Lector)
Multidimensional structure of the Groningen Frailty Indicator in community-dwelling older people.
Bielderman, Annemiek; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van Lieshout, M.R.; de Greef, Mathieu; Boersma, F.; Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); Steverink, N.
Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Treatment of Asthma in Children in Urban (Polluted) Areas
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Are grown-ups with congenital heart disease willing to participate in an exercise program?
Dontje, Manon L.; Feenstra, Marlies; de Greef, Mathieu; Nieuwland, Wybe; Hoendermis, Elke S.
Determinants of seeking psychosocial care in Dutch men with prostate cancer
Dr. A.Ph. Visser (Lid Lectoraat); MSc L. Daeter (Student)
Home-based exercise and support programme for people with dementia and their caregivers: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial
J. de Lange (Lector); A.M. Pot; E. Scherder; A.J.C. Prick
Skilled enough?! How motor developed are students?
Tijn van de Wiel (Student); Frank de Kok (Begeleider)
Psychosocial factors and mental health in cancer patients: opportunities for health promotion
Boer, Henk; Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Seydel, Erwin