Zocht je misschien: date?
The Foreign Agents Law in Russia
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Eva M.C. van Beek (Student)
Euroscepticism in the United Kingdom
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Mireille van der Hoeven (Student)
The transtlantic data transfer : the case of EU-U.S. relations
Tatjana Arnold (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
The bidding paradox
van den Berg, Marcel; de Nooij, Michiel
How (never) to become Dutch: testing the civic integration test
B. (Baukje) Prins (Lector)
Human-camera interaction: an exploratory study on people's emotions and attitude towards cameras
Manon van der Sar (Lid Lectoraat); Ingrid Mulder (Lector)
Economics, scientific doubt and history
de Graaf, Frank Jan
An economic perspective on the legalisation debate: the Dutch case
Martijn A, Boermans (Lid Lectoraat)
Communication on Europe in the Netherlands : a task of the Dutsch government or the European Commission?
Sanne T. Vogel (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
From local citizen to world citizen : a mentality challenge!
P.J.M. Hanssen (Begeleider); Suzanne Nakhla (Student)