Zocht je misschien: recommend, recommended?
CityFilm's chances in Hong Kong
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Dayna J. Smith (Student)
Childcare and Population Ageing
Marieke Meijer (Student); Rebecca Kleiweg de Zwaan (Begeleider)
Nominatie H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2015Developing a human-centered attitude through experiental learning
Bas Leurs (Docent); Ingrid Mulder (Lector); Peter van Waart (Docent)
Stucture and decision-making processes of the United Nations Security Council and their effects on peace-keeping and peace-enforcement
G.W. Lord (Begeleider); Manol Emilov Petrov (Student)
Toward an optimal use of folic acid : An advisory report of the Health Council of the Netherlands
D. Kromhout; R. Weggemans; Gertjan Schaafsma