Interventions for improving psychosocial well-being after stroke: a systematic review
Dagmar van Nimwegen (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gabrielsen Hjelle (Onderzoeker); Line Kildal Bragstad (Onderzoeker); Marit Kirkevold (Onderzoeker); Unni Sveen (Onderzoeker); Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir (Onderzoeker); Lisette Schoonhoven (Onderzoeker); Johanna Visser-Meily (Onderzoeker); Janneke M. de Man-van Ginkel (Onderzoeker)
Patients with and without COVID-19 in the Intensive Care Unit: Physical Status Outcome Comparisons 3 Months after Discharge
Bas Cijs (Onderzoeker); Karin Valkenet (Onderzoeker); Germijn Heijnen (Onderzoeker); Anne Visser‑Meily (Onderzoeker); Marike van der Schaaf (Onderzoeker)
The Association Between Preoperative Inspiratory Muscle Training Variables and Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Subjects With Esophageal Cancer
Meike Overbeek (Onderzoeker); Elja Reijneveld (Onderzoeker); Karin Valkenet (Onderzoeker); Edwin van Adrichem (Onderzoeker); Jaap Dronkers (Onderzoeker); Jelle Ruurda (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Trunk resistance to mechanical perturbations, associations with low back pain, pain-related cognitions and movement precision
Meta Wildenbeest (Onderzoeker); Henri Kiers (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Tuijt (Onderzoeker); Maarten Prins (Onderzoeker); Jaap van Dieën (Onderzoeker)
Malnutrition risk and frailty in head and neck cancer patients
Dewansingh, Priya (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Bras, Linda; Ter Beek, Lies; Krijnen, Wim P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Roodenburg, Jan L N; van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Halmos, Gyorgy B; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Predicting late dropout from nursing education or early dropout from the profession
J.H.A.M. Kox; J.S. van der Zwan; J.H. Groenewoud; J. Runhaar; S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra; E.J.M. Bakker; H.S. Miedema; A.J. van der Beek; C.R.L. Boot; P.D.D.M. Roelofs
Muva physical activity intervention to improve social functioning in people with a severe mental illness
Lisanne Elisabeth Maria Koomen; Ilona Hendrika Theodora van de Meent; Jeroen Deenik; Edwin van Dellen; Hugo Gerard Schnack; Henri van Werkhoven; Wilma Swildens (Lector); Berno van Meijel (Lector); Wouter Staal; Frederike Jörg; Floortje Scheepers; Wiepke Cahn
Applying an ecosystem approach to explore modifiable factors related to the risk for low motor competence in young children
Van Kann, D H H; Koolwijk, P; de Kok, T; de Vries, S I; Mombarg, R; van Aart, I; Savelsbergh, G J P; Hoeboer, J J M M; Remmers, T; Vos, S.B.
Practice of Awake Prone Positioning in Critically Ill COVID–19 Patients––insights from the PRoAcT–COVID study
Stilma, W. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Valk, C.; Van Meenen, D.; Schultz, M.; Paulus, F. (Lectoraat Critical Care)
Frailty and risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 infection among older adults
Lifelines Corona Research Initiative