Netflix expanding to Germany
Roland Marquardt (Student)
Improving Greece’s crisis image in Europe all fun and games?
Theo Bors (Begeleider); Cleo Sardelis (Student)
Getting social with Opium restaurant
Jeroen Smeets (Begeleider); Marin Kwakkelstein (Begeleider); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Mathilde Kamp (Student)
Student perceptions of assessment and student self-efficacy in competence-based education
Dr. Johan Braeken; Dr. Mart van Dinther (Docent); Prof. Dr. Mien Segers; Prof. Dr. Filip Dochy
How should mydays use online marketing to communicate with the Dutch consumers?
Fleur de Baaij (Student)
Eliciting mentor and pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge using teacher-tagged classroom situations
Niek Bogert (Docent); Frank Crasborn (Lector); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim M.G. Jochems
Encouraging Canadian Adolescents to Go on Exchange with AFS Interculture Canada
Carolina Wood (Begeleider); Julia Salven (Student)
Christian values in the EU mindset
Martijn van Luenen (Student); Margriet Krijtenburg (Begeleider)
Escalating conflict in an after school daycare center
van der Schaaf, Nynke
Social Return, het MKB en het proportionaliteitsbeginsel
Hornstra, Anke; Werkman-Bouwkamp, Geke