When network governance is needed to control IT-applications used in coordination and innovation
de Graaf, Frank Jan; Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict)
Evaluation of online social networks and the online networking strategy : how to use the social networks as a promotion tool to strengthen the brand awareness of Ultrafemme and improve the intangible assets
Aphirat Bureesirirat (Student); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)
The Social Web and Learning
Guus Wijngaards (Lector)
Hidden talents: mapping innovations and knowledge management competencies in the sunflower value chain in Lira District, Uganda
Oremo, M. (Student); Koucher, A.
Pastoralists susceptibility to HIV infection: a study based on Shindle District, Somali, Region, Ethiopia
Gebremariam, T.A. (Student); Koucher, A.
Profielsites: Een onderzoek naar jongeren en social networking sites
Olga van Rooijen (Student); Jermo de Jong (Student); Guus Wijngaards (Lector)
Alumni careers : MA Comparative European Social Studies Zuyd University
Albert Riga (Lid Lectoraat)