Behavioural Indicators for Teaching and Learning with Technology in Higher Education
Manon van Zanten; Marijke Kral; Dana Uerz; Pieter van Rooij; Hilde Cuppen; Pierre Gorissen
Teacher professional learning and development in the context of educational innovations in higher education
Madeleine Hulsen; Perry J. den Brok; Tim M. Stevens; Indira N.Z. Day; Frans J. Prins; Hanneke J. Assen; Marlies ter Beek; Gunter Bombaerts; Remco Coppoolse; Petra H. M. Cremers; Rik Engbers; Rachelle J. A. Kamp; Jur Koksma; Kariene Mittendorff; Jan Riezebos; Roeland van der Rijst; Margje van der Wiel; Jan D. Vermunt
Theories and practical perspectives on fostering embodied abstraction in primary school geometry education
Karel Boonstra (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Kool (Onderzoeker); Anna Shvarts (Onderzoeker); Paul Drijvers (Onderzoeker)
Introducing density histograms to grades 10 and 12 students
Lonneke Boels (Onderzoeker); Anna Shvarts (Onderzoeker)
Pedagogic strategies of supervisors in healthcare placements
Lieke Ceelen (Onderzoeker); Anne Khaled (Onderzoeker); Loek Nieuwenhuis (Onderzoeker); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Inclusive STEM teaching from a language perspective
Jantien Smit (Lector); Lucía Beatriz Chisari (Onderzoeker); Maria Kouns (Onderzoeker); Anne Bergliot Oyehaug (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector); Maaike Hajer (Onderzoeker)
One size does not fit all - mapping informal and formal professional development activities of vocational teachers
Marjanne Hagedoorn (Onderzoeker); Maaike Koopman (Onderzoeker); Machiel Bouwmans (Onderzoeker); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Collaborative approaches: studying horizontal and vertical working relations in schools and how they relate to collaborative-innovation practices
Angela de Jong (Onderzoeker); Renske de Kleijn (Onderzoeker); Ditte Lockhorst (Onderzoeker); Jan van Tartwijk (Onderzoeker); Mirko Noordegraaf (Onderzoeker)
The impact of a Virtual Reality-based presentation task on students’ presentation skills and presentation anxiety in higher education
Bo Sichterman (Onderzoeker); Mariecke Schipper (Onderzoeker); Max Verstappen (Student); Philippine Waisvisz (Onderzoeker); Marli Timmermans (Student); Stan van Ginkel (Onderzoeker)
Professionalizing primary school mathematics teacher educators
Ronald Keijzer (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Kool (Onderzoeker); Michiel Veldhuis (Onderzoeker); Sonja Stuber (Onderzoeker); Jus Roelofs (Onderzoeker)