Overall evaluation Summer Academy 2013
Liefers, Jan
Master class on adaptive strategy for changing economic and social landscapes
Manickam, Anu (International Business); van Berkel, Karel
Summer Academy
Liefers, Jan; Huttenga, Nancy; Goubin, Eric; Lemal, Marijke
Digital Revolution: A report on the effectiveness of the use of ActivBoard in the classroom
Daphne Esveldt (Student); Hannie Lucassen (Begeleider)
Design Management and Business in Europe: A Closer Look
Kathryn Best (Lector); Darragh Murphy; Gert Kootstra
Training tools for research
Rico Bloemberg
Effects of a competency-oriented learning environment and teacher training on reflection skills of nursing students
Dominique Sluijsmans; W. Jochems; M. Smits
Training Psychiatric Clients to become Experts through Experience and the Influence of this Practice on Mainstream Social Work Education
Jean Knooren (Lid Lectoraat)
The role of Newmont training-support programs in the livelihoods of vulnerable households, Asutifi district, Ghana
Vorleto, C.A. (Student); Scheffers, S.
Onderwijsprogramma's voor ervaringsdeskundigen
Drs. Jean Knooren (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. Harrie van Haaster