Coastal Conquest
Nafthaly de Graaf (Student)
The Effectiveness of the Use of Soft Power of The Council of Europe, in Safeguarding the Rights of Asylumseekers who face Administrative Detention in the Netherlands
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Yvonne van de Pol (Student)
Independent Coffee Cafe Marketing In The Netherlands
Breshna Sarwary (Student)
A transmedia storytelling approach in the maintenance and expansion of the year-round attention and promotion for the annual event of TEDxBinnenhof
Stephanie Meijer (Student); Jim Stolze (Begeleider); Nathan Wiersma (Begeleider); Peter de Groot (Begeleider)
Reaching the ageing consumer with branded content
Kiki Zondag (Student)
Escaping from reality
W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); Lauren Geldof (Student)
Distribution, activity patterns and genetic relations of Eurasian otter (Lutralutra) in Roaring Water Bay, Ireland
Ploeg, J. van der (Student); Smink, T. (Student); Smit, D.; Belle, J. van; Ende, J.M. van der
Tidal influences on the distribution of the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Marsdiep area, the Netherlands
IJsseldijk, L.L. (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Stelwagen, T.
Krachtwerk on tour
Driessen, Eefje; Holten, Joep; Huber, Max A.; Lochtenberg, Michiel; Metze, Rosalie; Sedney, Paulina
Status of Forces and Criminal Jurisdiction
Joop Voetelink