A Virtual World as an Introduction towards Green IT Awareness
Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Diana Boekman (Docent); Henk Plessius (Lid Lectoraat)
Research through design
Bottenberg, E. (Eliza) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Toeters, M. (Marina) (Researcher)
Interactive facility management, design and planning
Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
It’s not over till it’s over
M. D. Andres; Natasje Rietveld
Van het erf af
Lia van Doorn (Lector); Sietske Dijkstra (Lid Lectoraat)
Where the worlds of e-inclusion and evidence based practice meet
Jan Steyaert (Lector)
Implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing using action research: a review
Guus Munten, RGN, MSc (Lid Lectoraat); Henk Garretsen PhD; Inge Bongers PhD; Joop van den Bogaard PhD; Karen Cox PhD (Lector)
It's a Small World: Efficiency in a SME network across Design and Technology
Prof. Dr. Geert Duysters; Drs. Yvonne Kirkels
Smart Home Technology for the Elderly: Perceptions of Multidisciplinary Stakeholders
Don Bouwhuis; Ben Schouten (Lector); Charles Willems; Anne-mie Sponselee (Lid Lectoraat)
Deaf Studies in the Netherlands.
T. Schermer; Dr. Beppie van den Bogaerde (Lector)