How Faculty in The Hague University of Applied Sciences Uses the Scoring Rubric for Information Literacy
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Docent)
Melanie Veerman (Begeleider); Harja van der Kooy-Luijs (Student); Simone Groeneveld (Begeleider)
Professional development of teacher educators through informal learning
Marly Gootzen (Lid Lectoraat); Maurice Schols (Lid Lectoraat); Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); Quinta Kools (Lector); Marina Bouckaert-den Draak (Lid Lectoraat)
New insights into the self-regulation of writing skills in secondary vocational education
M. Boekaerts; J.S. Rozendaal
Technologies for a content and language integrated approach to dropout problems in Higher Education
Marjolein Simons; Maaike Hajer (Lector); Ton Koenraad; Rintse van der Werf