Investigation the Advantages of CPV for Building Integrated PV : 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference
Pieter Sonneveld; S. van der Craats; A.R. Sparemberger; J.V. Sahedi; Rik Catau
Assessing the added value of education in project management tuition/training
Steven Nijhuis (Lid Lectoraat)
The district stakeholders' perception towards improved wheat technologies delivered to smallholder farmers: the case study in Chencha District in Gamo Gofa Zone, Ethiopia
Molla, T.D. (Student); Witteveen, L.
Biomass and biogas
Hofstede, Gert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Wouterse, Brian; Faber, Folkert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Nap, Jan Peter
Houtoogst : een onderzoek naar optimale inkomsten uit houtoogst bij verschillende hoofdfuncties
Kah, P. (Student); Wanrooij, R.C.A. van (Student); Olsthoorn, A.; Overeem, B. van
How older people nurses assess cognitive function through daily observation
M. van der Cruijsen; Theo van Achterberg; Friede Simmes; N. Schlattmann; Mark van den Boogaard
Effect of the reduced farmer input support programme pack size on small scale farmers' maize yield : a case of Katuba constituency (Chibombo district-Zambia)
Sitali, S.M. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Farmers' participation for successful rural food security : effectiveness of farmers' participations in NAADS project for improved yields : the case study of Pader district, Uganda
Morrish, O. (Student); Gildemacher, B.H.
A further optimization of crossover and linear barriers in search theory
M.P.A. van der Ven
Transferring water from irrigation to higher valued uses: a case study of the Zhanghe irrigation system in China
Loeve, R. (City Net Zero); Dong, B.; Hong, L.; Chen, C. D.; Zhang, S.; Barker, R.