Some key issues in creating inquiry-based instructional practices that aim at the understanding of simple electric circuits
Zeger-Jan Kock (Docent); Ruurd Taconis; Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); Koeno Gravemeijer
The quality of teacher educators in the European policy debate: actions and measures to improve the professionalism of teacher educators
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Swennen, Anja; van der Klink, Marcel
Developing a human-centered attitude through experiental learning
Bas Leurs (Docent); Ingrid Mulder (Lector); Peter van Waart (Docent)
Learning processes of students in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education: relations between goal orientations, information processing strategies and development of conceptual knowledge
Maaike Koopman (Docent); Perry den Brok; Douwe Beijaard (Lector); Peter Teune (Lector)
Clarifying pre-service teacher perceptions of mentor teachers' developing use of mentoring skills
Paul Hennissen (Lector); Frank Crasborn (Associate Lector); Niels Brouwer; Fred Korthagen; Theo Bergen
The teaching profession against the background of educationalisation
Hooge, Edith Helena; Honingh, Marlies Elisabeth; Langelaan, Berber Nadia (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Looking for students' personal characteristics predicting study outcome
Cyrille A.C. van Bragt (Docent); Anouke W.E.A. Bakx (Lector); Theo C.M. Bergen; Marcel A. Croon
The Changing Role Of The Innovative Teacher
Dr. Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent); Drs. Ing. Ricardo Abdoel (Docent)
Why students withdraw or continue their educational careers
Cyrille A.C. van Bragt (Docent); Anouke W.E.A. Bakx (Lector); Peter J. Teune (Lector); Theo C.M. Bergen; Marcel A. Croon
Collaborative learning in multicultural classrooms: a case study of Dutch senior secondary vocational education
Dr. Bertha Vallejo; Dr. Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); Perry den Brok; Drs. Kennedy Tielman (Docent)