Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Indoor Air Quality in DCV systems: Application of 4S3F method and effects of DBN probabilities.
A.C. Taal (Lid Lectoraat); L.C.M. (Laure) Itard
The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention to Adopt Cybersecure Behaviour
Lisa C. de Kok (Lid Lectoraat); Deborah Oosting (Lid Lectoraat); M.E.M. (Marcel) Spruit (Lector)
“What does Inclusion in sport means in practice?” preliminary results from the SEDY 2 (Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2) project.
Afke Kerkstra (Onderzoeker)
Designing for an active lifestyle
Dennis Arts; Len Kromkamp; Steven Vos
AIESEP Position Statement on Physical Education Assessment
Lars Borghouts; Menno Slingerland; Gwen Weeldenburg; Ann MacPhail; Hans van der Mars; Dawn Penney; Víctor López Pastor; Ivo van Hilvoorde; Peter Iserbyt; Jacalyn Lund
Multilateralism as small power strategy
Trineke Palm
Deterrence in Peace Operations
Peter Viggo Jakobsen
Environmental design for an ageing population
Joost van Hoof (Lector); Peter Boerenfijn; D.M. (Deirdre) Beneken genaamd Kolmer (Lector); Hannah R. Marston; Jan K. Kazak; H. (Hilde) Verbeek
Determinants of physical activity in young wheelchair-user with spina bifida
Manon Bloemen (Onderzoeker); Tim Takken (Onderzoeker); Janke de Groot (Onderzoeker); Cas Kruitwagen (Onderzoeker); Rosanne Rook (Onderzoeker); Rita van den Berg-Emons (Onderzoeker); Frank Backx (Onderzoeker)
To what degree do patients actively choose their healthcare provider at the point of referral by their GP? A video observation study
Amy Potappel (Onderzoeker); Maartje C. Meijers (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Aafke Victoor (Onderzoeker); Janneke Noordman (Onderzoeker); Tim Olde Hartman (Onderzoeker); Sandra van Dulmen (Onderzoeker); Judith D. de Jong (Onderzoeker)