Exploring cleanliness in the Dutch facilities management industry: a Delphi approach
Vos, Martijn; Galetzka, Mirjam; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); van Hagen, M.; Pruyn, Ad
Perceived added value of a decision support App for formal caregivers in community‐based dementia care
Theresa Thoma-L€urken; Monique Lexis (Lid Lectoraat); Michel Bleijlevens; Jan P.H. Hamers
Smart Nursing Care
Groenendijk, G (Gideon) (Student)
Adoption of sharing and reuse of open resources by educators in higher education institutions in the Netherlands
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Ben Janssen
Study protocol of the quasi-experimental evaluation of “KEIGAAF"
Sacha Verjans-Janssen; Dave van Kann; Sanne Gerards; Steven Vos; Maria Jansen; Stef Kremers
Een multidisciplinaire beschouwing over logopedische zorg bij patiënten met cognitieve communicatiestoornissen
Anne-Marij van Woudenbergh (Student); Renske de Vries (Begeleider); Katrien Colman (Begeleider)
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity-related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity–related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom
Logopedische kijk op afwijkend mondgedrag bij het Down syndroom
Lineke Smit (Student); Jeanette Edelijn (Begeleider); Joke Haeringen-Ahmetspahic (Begeleider)
Do project management and network governance contribute to inter-organisational collaboration in primary care?
Schepman, Sanneke; Valentijn, Pim (Nursing Diagnostics); Bruijnzeels, Marc; Maaijen, Marlies; de Bakker, Dinny; Batenburg, Ronald; de Bont, Antoinette