Overall intelligibility, articulation, resonance, voice and language in a child with Nager syndrome.
H. Vermeersch; Anke Luyten (Docent); G. Mortier; K. Bettens; K. van Lierde; A. Tijskens
Pathophysiology of diurnal drooling in Parkinson’s disease
Lenie van den Engel-Hoek; Johanna Kalf; Bastiaan Bloem; George Borm; Machiel Zwarts; Bert de Swart; Marten Munneke
Routine use of the confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit : A multicenter study
R. van Marum; P. Eikelenboom; P. Benner; Mark van den Boogaard; M. Honing; M. van Eijk
Incidence and short-term consequences of delirium in critically ill patients : A prospective observational cohort study
Lisette Schoonhoven; Hans van der Hoeven; Theo van Achterberg; Peter Pickkers; Mark van den Boogaard
Assessment of lighting conditions for older adults in Dutch nursing homes.
Joost van Hoof (Docent); M.M. Sinoo; H.S.M. Kort
Doe dat ook een ander niet?
Geertje Borgers
Collaborative service innovation
Berit Kari Godfroij (Lid Lectoraat)
Multimorbidity and its relation to subjective memory complaints in a large general population of older adults.
K.J. Hajema; Sil Aarts (Docent); J.F. Metsemakers; F.R. Verhey; M.P. van Boxtel; A.M. van Ingen; M. van den Akker
Fewer adverse events as a result of the SAFE or SORRY? programme in hospitals and nursing homes : Part I: Primary outcome of a cluster randomised trial
Betsie van Gaal; Lisette Schoonhoven; Joke Mintjes; George Borm; Marlies Hulscher; T. Defloor; A. Habets; Andreas Voss; Lilian Vloet; R.T. Koopmans; Theo van Achterberg
PLAYgrounds: Effect of a PE playground program in primary schools on PA levels during recess in 6 to 12 year old children. Design of a prospective controlled trial
Janssen, Mirka; Toussaint, Huub M; Van Mechelen, Willem; Verhagen, Evert ALM