Opportunities for peak shaving the energy demand of ship-to-shore quay cranes at container terminals
H. Geerlings; Robert Heij; J.H.R. van Duin
(re)CYCLE Limburg
Nurhan Abujidi (Lector)
The experience phase of the Sustainable Tourist in Catalonia
I. Ballestín (Begeleider); Ingrid de Vries (Begeleider); Sarah de Bakker (Begeleider); B. Heerschop (Student)
Perceptions of pregnancy preparation in women with a low to intermediate educational attainment: a qualitative study
H. Ismaili M’hamdi; M.K. Sijpkens; I. de Beaufort; A.N. Rosman; E.A.P. Steegers
Health Over Muscle: Exploring the Relationship Between Sarcopenia
Kam, Sebastiaan (Student); van den Helder, Jantine
How Is Contextual Therapy Applied Today?
Jaap van der Meiden (Lid Lectoraat); Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Hans van Ewijk
The role of the general practitioner in multidisciplinary teams: a qualitative study in elderly care
S.M. Grol; G.R.M. Molleman; A. Kuijpers; Rob van der Sande; G.A.J. Fransen; W.J.J. Assendelft; H.J. Schers
Skill mix change between general practitioners, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurses in primary healthcare for older people: a qualitative study
Marleen Lovink; A.J.A.H. van Vucht; A. Persoon; Lisette Schoonhoven; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Miranda Laurant
Identification of influencing factors and strategies to improve communication between general practitioners and community nurses: a qualitative focus group study
Minke Nieuwboer; M. Perry; Rob van der Sande; I.T.H.M Maassen; M.G.M. Olde Rikkert; M.A. van der Marck
What does the nurse practitioner mean to you? A patient-oriented qualitative study in oncological/palliative care
L. van Dusseldorp; M. Groot; Marian Adriaansen; Anneke van Vught; K. Vissers; J. Peters