The body can not be thought: design practice at the intersection of human-computer integration and critical disability studies to develop new paradigms for health and well-being.
Olthof, Anne Marleen (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Verlinden, Jouke; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); Vaes, Kristof; Verlinden, Jouke
Clinical Reasoning and Evidence-Based Practice
Dobber, Jos; Harmsen, José; van Iersel, Margriet
Physical activity and physical fitness in children with heritable connective tissue disorders
de Koning, Lisanne (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Warnink-Kavelaars, Jessica; van Rossum, Marion; Limmen, Selina; Van der Looven, Ruth; Muiño-Mosquera, Laura; van der Hulst, Annelies; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Rombaut, Lies; Engelbert, Raoul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Overview of the Netherlands AI, Media and Democracy Lab
robu, Valentin; Ooms, Simone; El Ali, Abdallah; César, Pablo; Ceolin, Davide; Hollink, Laura; Pauwels, Eric; La Poutre, Han; Piersma, Nanda
All the Other Directions We Can Go: Alternative Media Networks and their Infrastructures
Valente Pinto, Carolina (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
Controlling the Valves
Van Der Heijden, E. A. (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Van Mierlo, B. C.; Majoor, S. J. H. (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Beers, P. J.; Allam, Zaheer
The interpretation of forensic conclusions by professionals and students
van Straalen, Elmarije K.; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Malsch, Marijke; Elffers, Henk
Towards Responsible AI Code Development: A Six-Value Process Model for Junior and Novice AI Programmers
van Kersbergen, Rick (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Robben, Saskia (Lectoraat Digital Life)
Working together across institutions
Spruijt, Rosanne (Youth, Education And Society)
Overcoming Challenges in Local Green H2 Economies
Kviatek, Beata (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition)