Bewustwording & coöperatief denken
Pierie, Frank
Aué, Jan-jaap; Noorman, Klaas Jan
We-Energy Game Rottevalle
Pierie, Frank; Sloot, Maarten
Born to be fossil
Kviatek, Beata
WE-Energy Game Meerkracht
van Veen, Roel
Improving the sustainability of the Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process through modeling
Pierie, Frank; Benders, René M.J.; van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Marjan van Loon, president Shell, the Netherlands visiting Entrance
Aué, Jan-jaap; Jansma, Tjerk
We-Energy Game Entrance
Pierie, Frank; Sloot, Maarten
Entrance as regional innovation motot
Aué, Jan-jaap