Werken aan een economie die beter is dan groei
Dommerholt, Egbert
The Need to Degrow
Dommerholt, Egbert
Webinar subsidiemogelijkheden Just Transition Fund
van Linschoten, Rob
Will Degrowth Save the World: Degrowth & Business
Dommerholt, Egbert; Doets, Elske; van Oppen, Cécile; de Boer, Sanne
Week van de Circulaire Economie
Dommerholt, Egbert
Advantages of Producing Aromatics from Propene over Ethene Using Zeolite-Based Catalysts
Butolia, Paresh S.; Xi, Xiaoying; Winkelman, Jozef G.M.; Stuart, Marc C.A.; van Akker, Matthijs; Heeres, André; Heeres, Hero Jan; Xie, Jingxiu
Development of a modular photoreactor for the upscaling of continuous flow photochemistry
Hermens, Johannes G.H.; Lepage, Mathieu; Kloekhorst, Arjan (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Keller, Erik; Feringa, Ben L.; Bloem, Robin; Meijer, Maurice
Will Degrowth Save the World: Degrowth & Science
Hickel, Jason ; Dommerholt, Egbert; Pouwels, Dick; de Boer, Sanne
How to involve the next generation in our work
Vana Tsimopoulou (Associate Lector)