Nieuwsgierig naar de wereld : opleiden en opvoeden in verbondenheid
Hanno van Keulen (Lector)
The integrated and evidence-based design of healthcare environments
Joost van Hoof (Onderzoeker); Paul Rutten; Christian Struck; Emelieke Huisman (Lid Lectoraat); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Radical Innovation in Urban Development as Making Unfolds Its Potential
P. Troxler (Lector); G.J. Peek
Optimal deployment of military systems
P. J. Oonincx; A.J. van der Wal
A National ICT Competency Framework for Student Teachers
Jeroen Bottema (Lid Lectoraat); Maurice Schols
A Technology Learning Preferences Instrument to Design and Develop Teacher Educators' Professional Development Programs at the Workplace
Maurice Schols (Docent)
Examining and Understanding Transformative Learning to Foster Technology Professional Development in Higher Education
Maurice Schols (Docent)
Light therapy: Methodological issues from an engineering perspective
EJM Wouters (Lector); AC Westerlaken; Myriam Aries; AMC Schoutens; MM Sinoo; J van Hoof (Lid Lectoraat); Mariëlle P.J. Aarts
Optimising Nokia's marketing approach based on consumer behaviour
José Hoogland (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
What export opportunities await Dutch mid-sized tractor companies, such as Van Engelen, in Morocco?
Omar M.H. Warsame (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)